sigh. well, it was a great weekend. friday we went to see the da vinci code. i found it very interesting and it really got me thinking more about religion. i do not "belong" to any organized religion. i guess most of the time people are religious because of growing up "in" it; being taught to believe something. behaviours and beliefs are modelled for children, and they in turn believe and model. however, sometimes the chain gets broken, and patterns change. so, i grew up not being religious, and not learning about religion or god. and yet, since my early teen fact, since i was a child with friends going to sunday school (which seemed just so fun by their descriptions), i have been curious. as a young adult, i thought that i would take religious studies and history at university. the subject fascinates me. there is something in an adult i can feel it and identify with it. a spiritual component that is like a sponge...wanting to soak up information and learn, learn, learn. i try to identify with that side of myself when i can, and it feels good.
and boy, did i get my scrap on this weekend. the 1 year old party was fun. taila looked like a princes...can't wait to get through those pix and start scrapping them. for now, here are some of the pages from the album i gave my friend tanya. it was a hit :)