05 July 2007

still sweating

seriously...i think the ozone has been depleted since last year by tenfold. i'm HOT. (sizzlesizzle). not that i'm complaining. kind of.

That's my paper on page 25 of the July issue of Memory Makers mag! Huge thank you to Kelly S. who commented to let me know! Of course I was running late after work, have a bunch of co-op stuff to do, a meeting tonight and had to stop in at my fave mag store (it's called Does Your Mother Know? <--- rad name, yes?) and they had 2 copies! Snapped one up and the traffic was bad enough that I could find it and glance through a bit more of the issue as well.

Soooooo grateful for scrapbooking. If it weren't for scrapbooking, I would not be the same person. I have met real true, honest-to-goodness friends, had the opportunity to design product (and then see it and use it!), re-found my love of art (painting, getting messy, experimenting, growing), all the while documenting my life and the life of my family and friends. I would not have a blog, for God's sake! :)


DonnaSalazar said...

I love this paper! I have a thing for butterflies lately. I think my butterfly scrapbook page is gonna be in Somerset and it explains my new love. Your style RAWKS.
Donna Salazar

Lu said...

My goodness. Would you look at that! Congratulations.

Audrey said...

love your new papers!