26 November 2007
22 November 2007
goodbye, old post
And hello new.
In between working more than ever (and I thought working @ home would mean LESS hours - ha!) and getting a handful of hours of sleep a night, I'm thinking about working on this week's Dare, feeding my family (sort of), trying to remember to drink enough water, stealing moments to myself (like meeting KM for lunch yesterday and having her brave downtown Vancouver traffic/parking/construction to pop into the VAG...so important and fun to have moments like this...must remember), and reallyreallyreally trying hard not to end up committed. Ridiculous. Time management expert seriously needed. And a house-cleaner. And perhaps a winning lottery ticket.
Light at end of tunnel? What light? As a matter of fact, what tunnel?
I realize I am probably NOT self-disciplined enough to work at home...that is, I don't seem to ever shut it off. I will blame both my parents, self-admitted workaholics. That said, I'm enjoying it too. Walking Jaxon to school, along with random buddies that join us. Emptying the dishwasher on my "break" to get some water. Not buying lunch far too often. One tank of gas over the past 3...maybe 4 weeks!
That's it for now...back to work. I do want to bust out the wicked sponsor kit tonight while I watch Grey's. Moments for me, 'member?
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
7:08 p.m.
13 November 2007
10 November 2007
I helped Jaxon clean his disaster of a room today. Actually, I mostly did the closet purge and cleaning, and encouraged him to "keep going...if you don't keep cleaning, I won't be able to keep helping you". "oh, right!" he would say. "and I won't get any money either!" We are contemplating the best way to move into "allowance territory". I've talked to mum about it, and she remembers starting us off with a very small base amount that we got no matter what, and used that amount to try to teach us about money. You get $1 (or whatever the amount was...I can't remember!) and you have to save 10% in the bank. 20% was recommended, but that 10% was a must. God...I wish I stuck with that plan my whole life. Anyway, I do want to start teaching J the value of money, but I also want to tie a portion of the allowance to helping out...keeping his room clean, helping tidy, etc. This whole experience with Dren's injury and being off work (almost a month now) is kind of making me feel like I have two sons!
I also pulled out my camera for the first time since D got home from the hospital (the second hospital visit, third in two weeks) when I took photos of his 27 staples. It was fun. Jax was only really in the mood to goof around, but we had fun and laughed and I captured the memory and that's what's important.
Back to work.
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
1:19 p.m.
09 November 2007
right now
Doing: Working
Listening to: Van Morrison Moondance (just finished "Crazy Love"). Such feel-good, happy, soulful, chair-dancy, singable, make-work-more-enjoyable kind of music. If the boys weren't in the same room, I would probably be belting it out like I was on American (ahem, Canadian) Idol. I'm sure at some point this afternoon I'll forget all about them and get into the tunes enough to hum a few bars...sigh. I love Van.
Wearing: red softball shirt, my grey sweats, a black bandana, bare feet, and headphones. No bra. Yeah, that's right.
Thinking about: Working at home...trying to establish a routine. Loving it and hating it all at the same time. But probably loving it a little bit more.
Enjoying: Jaxon and Carmichael playing video games quietly, having asked to be picked up from daycare early (school's out at noon on Fridays). They're respecting the fact that I have a lot left of my workday.
Grateful for: Dren's short term disability benefits being approved and for direct deposit.
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
1:49 p.m.
06 November 2007
Today I took a two hour lunch break and went to the VAG with mum. We saw Georgia O'Keefe. Amazing. She is probably the most accomplished artist I looked to and looked up to early on in my life. I tried to emulate her works and was constantly fascinated with the variety in her art...the colours used and the light she seemed to bring out of the New Mexico desert, translating them directly to canvas...but in her way. Her unique, abstract way. Mum gave me a membership to the gallery and a book about her for my birthday. Perfect.
Wonderful to get away for a bit.
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
11:10 p.m.
04 November 2007
thank you...
for providing me with all that motivation to see the light at the end of the tunnel. you guys rock. and I made a layout to say so. the teeny tiny text is all the comments I received from you on the last post.
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
2:27 p.m.