sunshine & fish-n-chips
It's Friday! Thrilling. You know what else is thrilling? The weather. Loving the sunshine.
I am in LOVE with our new Dares site. It's so fun to play on and we're adding features like The Mini Dares (how cute) and finding a whole new enthusiasm for it all. GOOD stuff. We have some more stuffs up our sleeves {insert photo of me grinning devilishly and rubbing my palms together}.
My Dare from this week, featuring Guest Darer Anja. The girl rocks out with originality and I love it. I mean, NO official scrap supplies? Not a ONE? Egads, as G1 said!So glad that Dren "posed" (as silly as they are) for me a couple weeks ago. Sexy, yes? I never get to scrap him b/c I never get photos of him. I 'spose I could use the same ones over and over again, but that would be a bit boring, no? The back of this layout is a very sturdy envelope that the fat black and white proof for The Book came in. I left the shipping papers in it and everything. I know the subject of the page has nothing to do with the envelope and why I wanted to keep it, but for me the important thing was to keep it and use it, and it really is a nice strong flat surface to work on. I added most of a swatch from an upholstery store. I used another similar one on a mini I did for The Book. These things are GREAT and I need more! Got them from a store here called Urban Source. All recycled/reclaimed stuff sold there. Must check back. And maybe the fabric places give these things away for free? Also on here, we have part of a SB cup with a beautiful quote on it, some corrugated CS from some packaging or other, and a piece of thin chipboard that came from who knows where. This dare was challenging. I love that.
Last night we went out on a little family adventure to the beach. Our intention was to eat fish & chips at the beach. It was a gorgeous night and we were to watch the sun go down and play. I would take some photos. We got there, and the kitchen at the concession was closed. WhatEVER. By this point it was almost 8:00 and we were starving. Dren doesn't get home until after 7 and I had waited to eat with him. We drove along Broadway, heading East, and had our eyes peeled for a sign somewhere that might say "Fish-n-Chips", because of course by that point we both really wanted fish-n-chips! It was not to be. Then I thought of a diner near our house that was sure to have them. Then Dren remembered this great little place called Belgian Fries. This place is to die for. Really good fries, and that's all we've tried, but they also have deep-fried Mars Bars (are you kidding me!??) and lots of other really healthy stuff. They happen to have fish-n-chips; clearly, deep-fried fish fits right into their menu. So, the drive was nice (Jaxon slept most of it) and we ended up about 8 blocks from home, happily eating fish-n-chips.
I'm looking forward to a weekend of hangin, scrappin, cleanin, sleepin, relaxin. I hope you all have a GREAT weekend and thank you so much for all the congrats! I'm really happy to be a part of the Memory Makers extended family :)
For changes coming. I have to be grateful, otherwise I might freak out and lose my mind.
LOVE this Gen! Only you could make something so cool out of bits and pieces!
very cool page!
and not one bit of actual "scrap" supply on it?! Crazy. You pulled it off beautifully!
YAY for the beach...
and fish-n-chips!
I'm going to the beach tomorrow...
that means fish-n-chips for me too!
Awesome layout! You need to take more pics of your man because he is SO pretty!
love your gratitude for today. i mean, REALLY love it.
love the "page" and i definitely need to book.
happy weekending.
Gen - I totally LOVE your layout and love the new Dares website! you did an excellent job!
Way to go girl! and proud to be part of the MM extended family with YOU! :)
Congratulations on becoming a Master! I just found the dares blog and decided to try my hand at the next challenge. Wow this is a doozy no scrapping stuff?!? Just wanted to say Hi and congrats from a fellow BC'er!
This lo is so original. I love it. You are a true inspiration.
You know, i think it was a blessing the original blog being hacked. You guys have done so much better with the new dare site. I love it.
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