28 August 2007

it was a 14 pound box

(click image to see better!)


Unknown said...

I am trying really hard here to think of something totally inspiring to say. But all I can think about is how I had this totally rotten day, and how I really need to do something to cheer myself up, but I don't know what to do- maybe I'll cruise around CuteOverload.com for a while- I dunno. And hey! my blog reader says that Gen is giving aways something in a box!

It's a red box!

and i'm totally psyched because red is totally my favorite color. Right behind teal green and orange.

but anyway, as I said, I'm looking for something inspiring to say and I can't think of anything. And I want to post something but I'm afraid to be the first poster because everyone knows that the first poster never wins (ahem. cough. yes, that was cheesey.) but if I don't post than maybe everyone will be afraid to post and so no one will post and then no one would win!

and that would be sad.

So instead of I'll share a link to a picture I took of my son asking me why he can't run through the sprinklers with all of his clothes on.

it may not be inspiring, but it sure is... uh.. interesting.


Anonymous said...

love it. oh i want that book oh so badly.

something wonderful to share...

my hubby just asked our 3 year old little girl what she wants to do when she grows up...and she replied, "i'm just going to stay this way for awhile daddy" and he said like what? "i'm just going to stay little"

how sweet is that?


renee said...

I'm dying for that book...pick me jaxon!!!!!

Vee said...

this book is full of inspo i just know it
i have it on pre-order and can't wait for it to ship this week! :)

Nicole said...

not sure how inspiring I can be - working full time hours the next few weeks....need to find some time to scrapbook and get inspired. :)

Cant wait for this book and all the inspiration in there.

Candice P.J. said...

Something inspiring... wait... I usually go to your blog to find something inspiring...

Anonymous said...

hey hon

here are some of my most inspiring websites :




have fun! :)


Tami said...

for two months now i have been getting up at 5am and getting to the gym (long before kids i did this monday-friday) some of the same people who were there 4 years ago are still there! but yesterday was a sad day at the gym, there is a guy, bob, who won't be back for a few months, he has prostate cancer and is starting treatment today. when he left he gave us all a hug and said he hoped to see us all again. i started to cry! prostate cancer is very curable i guess but it still made me sad. this is why i like going to the gym so early in the morning

you never know how you will be touched by someone.

EliseBlaha said...

hmm, inspiring is etsy.
the entire site.
inspiring is that you guys made a book.

Ania said...

Lol..you know..I LOVE that photo....such a cool angle :)

Inspirational? Hmm...I love this photoblog but thats because I'm so into photography these days...


And while we're on the photosubject, I love the "trash the dress" concept -- hope to be able to do one of those someday....when I'm thinner so I can get into my dress again haha..


Letsee... anything else? Hm.
I'm hungry so I guess you'll have to do with these two links. :)


Missy said...

you are a nut!
and I love you :)
congrats on the book, chickie...
you deserve every bit of recognition :)

melanie said...

Hmm, worldly, inspirational, brilliant, fascinating? Now that’s a tall order. Not one I’m sure I can fulfill so early in the morn. All I know is that I’m so excited about this book!!! (And oh yeah. Jaxon, puhleeeeze pick me!)

darl_jo said...

love is sending you children out the front door in the morning, and then waiting for them in the afternoon and feeling even happier to see them come home than when you sent them away.

Valerie said...

YAY the book!! So excited to see this!!

Anonymous said...

this is pretty inspiring for all gwen fans!!!! :)


congrats on the book! can't wait to see it in person!

Cheryl said...

Congrats on the book! Looking forward to seeing it IRL. As for inspo, your blog is very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I find inspiration in lots and lots of blogs, magazines, and my childrens' eyes

Stacy said...

Here's some inspiration... mega millions is over $300 million. That would buy a lot of scrap supplies, vacations to make memories, a housekeeper, and a chef... so there'd be more time for making memories and scrapping. Ahhh... a girl can dream anyway.

jenjock1 said...

I'm pretty uninspirational.
I am REAL happy for you guys. XOXO.

Anonymous said...

I love the dares. I would love to have this book.
--Farah H.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on the book! i would love to win it!

michelle g.

Mandi A. said...

Just found out I might have the big C so Im not feelin very inspiring lately, but I would still LOVE to get my hands on that book!

Unknown said...

You guys deserve it! Congrats to all of you. Love the work, the look of the book, the color, all inspiring...I NEED IT!!!

Y said...

Congrats on your book! It must be just really cool to see the final product after so much hard work!

Monica-FC said...

that red sure is bright. interesting I must say. HMMM?? wonder what it is?? cannot wait to see when you show everybody. I will be patiently waiting.

Anna/Augusti_73 said...

Yey, how exciting!!! I'd love to get one!!

Something inspiring: YOU! and the rest of the Dare-girls,
Flickr.com & scrapinstyletv.com
are two of the most inspiring sites I know.

KimA said...

So would like to get my hands on a copy of this book!!!

Unknown said...

...yeaahhhhaaa!! Congrats one the book!!! I am soo looking forward to see whats in it!!!

inspiring???? Well actually I am just trying to get myself back on the track after my holidays - so I would say: travel !! its the most inspiring thing for me but the second most inspiring thing is your own rhythm and working to it...its just so difficult to switch from one to the other...;-))
Do I make any sense at all...LOL ???

marilyn(renee's best friend) said...

omg! pick me! pick me! i have to have that book!!!

Lu said...

How exciting! So glad to see it has made land!

Christa said...

Here is something inspirational, fascinating, brilliant AND worldly to share....

Robyn W said...

dont know that i have witty or facinating, but i would be excited to get one of those

Lauren said...

I lurk on all of your blogs on a much more regular basis than I am willing to admit, but it has been so cool to see all of you succeed, and wath your excitment as the books arrive at your doorsteps. Just too cool!

~Kristen~ said...

I can't wait to get this book!!! Congrats one the publication!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, can't wait to get my hands on the new book!!!

~Kelly H. in Indy

Anonymous said...

Uhm... i think i need that blurry red treasure in the front of the pic for inspiration on this one ;-)

graphics_girl said...

Inspiration....that book. That's my inspiration.

Anso said...

Congratulations on the book!! :)

I'm dying to see it!!!

Inspirational thought: open your eyes and see all "normal" things in a new light. Like you have never seen them before. Notice the shapes and colour combinations of something "ordinary" and let that inspire you.

I'm hoping I have some luck with me so you might pick my post. Please, please, please!! :))

Take care :)


Jamie said...

SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for your book! I try to do all the dares I can. And now there is a book! So cool!

Tanya said...

I DARE YOU to pick ME!

Anonymous said...

Something inspiring to say? Pick me as the winner and I´ll have loads of inspiring thoughts in my head.

myflsun said...

You all are so amazingly talented and inspiring. Makes one wonder how one could possibly inspire you!

Bethany E. said...

The book is inspiring (I know I can count on that)!! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

lauren bergold said...

i would LOVE to win a red blurry thing...but...i don't think i have anything inspirational, fascinating, brilliant, or worldly to say...right now. you should've caught me five minutes ago...OOF...i was *on fire*!!! but now, not so much. does this mean i am disqualified from red blurriness?? ...hope not...

Brenda Smith said...

I want a copy!!! I promise I'll be really nice to it and not take it for granted. I will share it with my friends (heck no I won't, get your own copy!) I will do each and every challenge (and I think pigs are going to be flying soon) and I will never go anywhere without it (more true when referring to my cell phone!) Thanks for the hardwork putting the book together, (that part is true!)

stephanie said...

haha, awesome pic! congrats on the book :)

ashejen said...

How exciting! Can't wait to check the book out!

Karin said...

congrats on the book! i would love a copy!

here is some inspiration:





kristina contes said...


Tina said...

oh, can't wait to get my copy!!


e said...

like i ever have anything brilliant to share ;)!
congrats on the book...i'm so excited for you!!!

Rhonda G. said...

congrats on your book...I'd love a copy!

Vicky said...

I have been inspired lately by being grateful for what i have. i love my life and i am so happy that it is mine, which makes me want to celebrate it

Ann Marie said...

I'm not sure I have anything in me to be inspiring right now... that's what your book is for! Right? ;-)

Ann Marie

Kimber-Leigh said...

congrats on the book! would love a copy :)

Anonymous said...

ok, giving it my best shot for the supa dupa red blurry thing (fingers crossed, bigtime).

A quote I particularly like :

"Don't dare to be different, dare to be yourself if that doesn't make you different then something is wrong." - author unknown

Anilú Magloire said...

Well, I just took my girlie for her drs appointment. She got 2 vaccines and had blood drawn twice and not a single tear was shed!!!

That deserves a book, I think!

ConnieC said...

I think i may have gotten this link from Kristina's blog.
I like to go there and check out the photos. I always see one that gets me started on a page.

AmberCA said...

Jaxon, Jaxon, Jaxon please pick me! I sure would love to win a copy of that there awesome new book!

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to get my hands on some new inspiration!

Mel Nunn said...

I have no idea what to post... Something inspirational? fascinating? worldly? brilliant? not a clue...

I don't know... Be nice to your mama?

Anyway, congrats on the book and please pick me ;o)

Christine said...

Congrats on the book!

Can't wait to get a copy!

Pick me, please :)


quietly going mad... said...

this is such an exciting moment and i need some inspiration right now i seriously am craving it so please pick me

Nicole Nowosad said...

Please pick me to win the big red blurry thing in the foreground! :D

Unknown said...

How very exciting for you gals!

Bekka said...

Trying to think of inspiration...the best I can come up with is having time to myself late at night. I get most of my best ideas at that time!

I'm sure I can get some fresh inspiration from the book! :)

DD said...

Can't wait to see the book! You guys must be so psyched! Congrats!

Jennifer said...

Something that inspired me this past week: the song All Good Things (Come to an End) by Nelly Furtado and Chris Martin.
It's the melody, the mix of so different artists and the lyrics. Love it.
Hope you'll like it, too.

Mara said...

love your super uber creative way that you advertised how you're giving the book away.
you're the best.
and you aren't scary.
at all.

MaraMay said...

This spot on the web makes my stomache ache. It aches for the knowledge that they have to do this with such beauty and such brilliance. Gah.


casey boyd said...

Inspiration is my two kids and their wisdom. My 11 year old daughter made a profound statement the other day while we were at the gas station paying way too much for gas....."Mom, too bad gas wasn't sold at the Dollar Store".

Yeah, there's my inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Something wordly maybe?!
I have been saying this a lot lately.
Never underestimate kids for they have the power to amaze you.

As for the book, I know that will amaze me too :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the red book :) I know it rocks even though I haven´t seen it!!

Deborah said...

I would love to win the blurry red thing :)

Unknown said...

something inspirational,fascinating or brilliant!??!! Sorry can't find somthing becouse I'm ut of inspiration this days...but congratulations on the book!!

Amy said...

Look at all these congrats!! You should be so proud!...and I'm excited for you! Can't wait to be challenged....
--a big fan.

Anonymous said...

How cool would it be for a loser to actually win?? I'm not a total loser - just a contest loser, I hope!!?? :)
Anyway, have a great weekend.
And thanks so much,

Leeshy said...

Please me me me!


Lietje said...

maybe it's my luckyday

At least I hope so!!!!

mindy said...

Q. What has a bottom at it's top?

A. A leg!

hahaha. makes me laugh everytime.
Way to go on your book, what an accomplishment!!!

Tammy said...

Something inspiring, brilliant or fascinating...hmm...if I win this happy beautiful RED book...I will show you inspiring, fascinating and brilliant ;-)))

Susan said...

Very exciting! Can't wait to see the book!

Anonymous said...

Am I too late to enter? ;) My 'brilliant' advice - everyone looking for a dog should get a boxer because they are the best. We just lost ours in Aug, and were just trying to pick out a puppy last night (without much success because they were all soo cute, we have to go back).


Lizscraps said...

Inspiring??? well it's the first time stopping by here on this blog, have been trying for the last two days to get ot the site but it was hanging.. the #73 is so very cool!!!
I hope to stop by more often

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...
