05 May 2006

holy MIA

there is not enough time in the day.
where did this week go, exactly?
how odd.

well...it's friday.
time for a new dare!
all about scents & smells...
love me some coffee...beans or the liquid.
i actually have about a billion things i love the smell of.
gasoline included (only in small doses of course)
but i chose just a few to plop onto this page.
oh yeah! and the dare was sponsored by blackberry buckets!

well, i'm at work so i shouldn't post long...
plus i'm doin the mac thing...
and now that i know that blogger hates safari
and loves internet explorer...
well...life just ain't the same postin at work.

sushi for lunch
a whirwind of birthdays weekend ahead.
hopefully a bunch o scrappin too!


Anonymous said...

look at you and your talented self!
freaking awesome dareness goin' on.
talk to you soon!

Michelle W. said...

Gen you rock!
coffee rules!!!
and sushi...

now I'm hungry. Should I blame the weight gain on your post? We shall see.

Michelle out (to starbucks)

Ashley Calder said...

oh, this is so gorgeous! love all of the tearing here and that coffee bag looks right at home there :)


Mara said...

v. cool LO.
love the dare.
happy weekending!

Sarah said...

LOVE that layout.
Love the topic too!
happy weekend!!!

caroline said...

i *heart* that LO
and sarafi DOES hate blogger....firefox likes it, though.

Anonymous said...

gasolene?? haha. love the dare, love your LO!

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.