is the most evil time on a friday morning.
why is it so difficult today?
oh right. the week is catching up.
i'm on day 4 of the diet.
folks...i have done WELL.
i'm proud of myself.
i've eaten more
chicken &
vegies &
olive oil &
than ever before.
it's workin.
i skipped the "run" yesterday.
today i walked (fast).
creating new habits.
new dare up today on the dares blog.
it's fun...
and i had a BLAST making my page.
once i finally figured out how to make the 546 photos i took work (slight exaggeration). made it flip open...yeah.:)
i was so incredibly inspired by ali on this one. i'm really enjoying her article in CK...i just wish it wouldn't end so quickly. who would love to see the ali edwards magazine? i mean...this woman has so much energy and creativity and constantly inspires sooo many people. how does she keep her ego in check!!?? amazing down to earthedness going on over there. i've been so motivated to create lately...i think about it all day every day pretty much. and when that little thing called "life" happens to get in the way of me being able to actually DO it all day every day, i just store the motivation. because really, my life is pretty damn enjoyable and inspirational in and of itself.
here's my page...thanks for reading...thanks for looking...may every single one of you have a fabulous friday and a wonderful weekend. xog
Genevieve, this is awesome! I totally agree about Ali, I love reading her article, I even save that part of the mag until I can read it in peace and not get disturbed. I want to absorb her work, such a talented chick!
I LLLUUURRRVV that page.
Oh, and good luck on the dietness!
cool how you made it flip open, i'll have to look at it more to figure out how? unless you simple want to tell us?
right on about ali
oooohhh! An Ali mag would be so fantastic! :)
LOVE this page...so creative and FUN!
I wanna come shop on Main Street!
Ali mag?
I'd totally be the first in line to subscribe!
That chick is one amazingly talent being!
Love the new Dare and LOVE your page!
YAY on the dietness and the exercise!
5am is tough, though...
you did such a great job with the dare. and i have not been visiting blogs as much since i am getting the photog business started, but I do check you out.
YOU rock.
AE mag would be REAL fun.
But I have to tell you that YOU inspire me to create. Seriously. When I use paint on a LO, use a new product or want to step outside of my box I think, what would Gen do with this?! :)
XO - Enjoy your weekend.
i am proud of you for the healthiness and that coolio open-up page
I am totally proud of you!!
as jon drives to pick me up some seriously fattening italian food. LOVE LOVE LOVE your dare. and that Ali lady? yeah, she's pretty damn cool.
Love your layout Gen!
that layout is just amazing. Love that all your new layout becomes my fav of yours!
diet?! Why are you on the diet. Really?! LOL. You're thin...
I second the call for ae the magazine. She is so calm and fabuluous and inspiring and real.
ooohhh...the ali mag..where do i get a subscription?! love the new dare girl...dam you can shop!
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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