28 March 2006

{21} will it work?

joined the challenge on rhonna's blog. this came at a good time for me, and i'm excited to see what the next 20 days have in store.

here is my {day 1}, based on yesterday's quote.
the black background is for viewing pleasure only ;)
i figure if i share pieces of my journal as i go, i'm more likely to stick with it...
hee hee...we shall see.
the never-ending quest to stop being such a procrastinator.

i decided to go w/ lil 6x6 pages and i'll figure out how to bind them...
ha ha ha!!!

cardstock: bazzill, paper: autumn leaves, transparency is hambly. stamps: butterflies & square: are by tia for fontwerks, alphas: george by fontwerks, grid/pattern thingy: i forget (sorry! let me know if you want to know and i'll check when i'm home). chipboard numbers: heidi swapp. little alpha stickers: making memories. red tab sticker: 7Gypsies. paint: making memories. ink: colorbox (black and brown) and...? (red). fonts: another something i'll have to check if you want to know. pen: AC slickwriter. also white artist's tape.

holy crap there's a lotta stuff on that little piece of page!!!


Ferrill said...

A lot of stuff on your page, but that makes it so fun! Great entry!

Kari said...

Love your idea of the 6x6 pages. That's a challenge in itself! Love your work. Fabulous!!

melissa said...

This is amazing!!!!!!!!

Lilli in Vancouver said...

Fabuleux! Welcome to the challenge, from another BC procrastinatrix :)

caroline said...

oh wow.
that is amazing.
and i should stop procrastinating too :P

alyssa said...

Love everything about this! Awesome photo. The file folder looks awesome. Great design. Loving this challenge!

Emine_Pala_Art said...

This is so gorgeous... Love it very much...


Anonymous said...

beautifully done!!

Rhonna said...

Gen, this is so amazing..
I *love* it...
you are so so talented...
can't wait to see your pages through this challenge..

Gillian said...

Such a cool page... I love your style!

My Christmas Atelier said...

I love it. seriously. love it.

btw, TOMs has 6x6 albums on sale, buy one get one free. should we go shopping again?

Missy said...

you are far braver than I, sweet thang. I don't think I can do ANYTHING consistently for 21 days... except maybe sleep ;)

Sarah said...

lotta GREAT stuff on that page!!!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm....Okay...I think your page is my favorite of the day! Glad you looked at mine..but I'm jealous of your amazing style! Love the collage, layering, words, photo...ALL OF IT.

Anonymous said...

yeah buddy!
i love this,
love that you're doing this!
can't wait to see the next 20!

Barb said...

Beautiful stuff. This challenge is great. I'm fired up about scrapping again.

Mara said...

omg. talent.
and i am SO glad that i ordered some hambly now that i see how friggin awesome it is! XO.

Anonymous said...

I would love just 1/100th of your creative genius my dear Gen! I absolutely love this page (where is the cover though teee heeee)

So glad you are playing along!

Just Say Julie said...

completely cool!!

Randell said...

What a great page! I was part of the 1st group of the 21 day challenge (20-something,now it's closer to 200!) It is such a cool process!

Anonymous said...

This is so COOL! Just want to thank you for stopping my blog and commenting on my day 1 entry. Take a look at my day 2 and see what you think? Take care! Malou

Anonymous said...

Yup! Very awesome! Love your style! You rock sistah!

Sylvi said...

Wonderful pages!!!! You are so inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Great take on the challenge... love your style and how you personalized it w/ the photo! Kudos!

gudrun said...

Love your page.
Its so cool that you have used a photo, and all the text written on it.
Looking foreward to see the continuation. ;-)

T:o)ve said...

Love this entry gal!
Beautiful entry, and the idea with text on the page is a fav ;o)
Keep up this amazing work!

Michelle W. said...

loving this!!! So you and so great.


Anonymous said...

that is a SERIOUSLY cool page chickie poo.....you're just too talented :)