08 December 2005

merry merry...

It's that time!!!!!
I'm all better, and now that I'm....eight days behind, it's time to start my journal!

Here's day one...
and a big fat hug and hello to all y'all!


Jude said...

are you trying to one up me by posting on your blog???

im off to post mine on my blog...


Anonymous said...

you know i love, oh i mean HATE everything you touch! your xmas journal is going to be the bestest!!!! not as good as my new gen/erin journal though!!!!! if i haven't said it enough lately, I FREAKING LOVE (i mean hate) YOU GIRL!!!!! mwah!

Missy said...

oh my goodness Gen... this is BEAUTIFUL!
that red is just so rich... and the white pen POPS! what white pen IS that?

you rock my socks, chickie :)

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly!!! Gen it's like everything you touch turns to gold! Just beautiful work lady!:)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Gen, I can't wait to see the rest!

Anonymous said...

awesome.....could you be any more fabulous? love this!

Jen said...

How flippin cool is this??!!!