05 August 2005


Well, that's just a given I suppose - I know I'm slightly OFF :D But...I really always feel the need to clean before I can sit down and scrap. My dining room table is my scrappin home and the kitchen is right behind me. If it's a disaster I feel like I need to clean it first...and scrub the table and make everything neat and nice before I make a huge big mess on the table with all my schtuff.

What a lame-ass boring post...sorry. I promise photos later, but for now I must go be anal and then get to makin some art.


Unknown said...

Normally I'm the same way, but my room is so small that I've just learned to scrap surrounded in a mess. Hope you get something done!

Anonymous said...

hey, whatever your creative process is, i say don't mess with it, cuz the results are awesome! So glad you're back!!

Anonymous said...

nice name, huh? LOL. i need more coffee!

Missy said...

right there with you... gotta tidy up before I make a big fat mess :)

Anonymous said...

lol Robyn nice pimpin your blog ;) I know what you mean about MORE coffee lol. NOW!

Gen I have totally learned to scrap around the crap :0

Anonymous said...

That's one reason I moved my space away from the kitchen and living room. So easy to ignore the mess and scrap in the other room! Hope you find some time to create:)

kristina contes said...

I have to organize before i start...keeps me centered.

Anonymous said...

I too have to clean before I can make another mess!