13 February 2008
12 February 2008
f PLUS w
Home sweet home!
I had a lot of fun in Cali and working the F+W booth and class was great. Everything went well except for the fact that I left all the prep stuff for the *very* cute demo in a folder on my desk at home. I realized it on the plane to Cali and promptly ordered a gin & tonic and resisted crying. I thought perhaps there was a chance I slipped it into my luggage without even remembering, but when I checked at midnight it really was true. We managed to rig something up by Monday, but it ended up not happening because instead I signed about a gazillion books.
When K & I went to pick up our badges the lady asked us for the company name. "F and W" we answered. She seemed to be having some trouble with the computer and proceeded to pick up a pamphlet. "OH. You mean F PLUS W". We exchange a look and a smile. Another lady says "What was the company name?" We turn our heads in unison "F PLUS W" and burst out laughing.
Awesome sushi and so many funny stories. A lot of laughter and walks through the romantic palm tree forest. Sunshine! So much scrap stuff that I'm feeling all rejuvenated. So good to see scrap buddies. The cutest Claudine and her inky fingers. Converse=best shoes ever for convention center. And the black flats weren't bad either. No camera means I'm relying on Morgan and K to email me photos. So I stole one from K's blog.
A'ight. Back to work.
Gratitude: Seeing my honey's gorgeous face at the airport last night at midnight after 7 hours of airports and travelling.
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
4:55 p.m.
08 February 2008
i can't work
it's not because i let jaxon and carmichael stay home instead of go to daycare (no school).
it's not because i went to the mall with them so they could use giftcards and get yet another game for their DS(s?)
it's not beause it's a pretty nice day and i'd rather be outside.
it's because of thisbook.
and this magazine.
and this one.
and this one.
i couldn't choose, and i always get to treat myself to magazines for airplane rides.
now the challenge is to save them for the plane. but really, i won't read FOUR on the plane...
Grateful for new rags...
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
1:48 p.m.
06 February 2008
I know I shouldn't call Ali a biotch, but I can't help it. I've so pared down the blogs that I read. For many reasons, but mostly just to get removed and get my head out of the computer. And also I have zero time available for that stuff. Not only that, but I've completely reduced shopping for scrap supplies. Like months and months (and sometimes months) between trips for anything except adhesive (still addicted to my sweet-ass cheap-ass tombow). And that's nice because every several months I'll reallyreally know what my favourite products were from the last round of releases. Not the current one, but the one before that and sometimes probably the one before that. Then I go and read Ali's blog, thinking perhaps she has a little bit of insightful wonderful inspirational creative tidbit, and instead she's talking about her latest favourite things. BIOTCH. I resist these things! WhatEVER.
OK F&W booth demo prep is complete (totally looking forward to seeing the DareBook larger than life!!) and I'm looking forward to seeing some friends from crazyscrapbookworld. And today we had Indian food for lunch and it was so yummy. Jaxon sprained his ankle yesterday (fell down the stairs and twisted it heading to the cafeteria for lunch) so this morning we went to get x-rays. Not fractured. Thank GOD. Some nice swelling, a good bruise, and a little hobbling. Nothing some TLC can't cure. Also enjoying Momo falling asleep in the perfect position in my lap while I work. So lovely.
OK bedtime. Who knows what tomorrow holds.
Gratitude: for something tomorrow may hold...
Posted by
Chares Square Co-op
10:24 p.m.