31 March 2006


poor jax was sick again last night. this bug is really staying with him. so i went to bed really early snuggling w/ him last night. didn't get a chance to do my day 4 entry...but i DID get a bunch of stuff ready for the mail, which i will be taking today. this is one of my goals - get to the post office more often. i'm taking it to work today and will get out during a break today. yay!

i don't want to fall too far behind on this challenge...not for the sake of keeping up with the challenge, but for the fact that i am LOVING it. keeping the creative juices flowing. being conscious and aware each and every day to push myself towards my goals. i do truly believe that pushing my self (ie: the CHALLENGE) will keep me motivated to make choices that make my life better. so i woke up early this morning and worked on day 4.

i love the message of yesterday's quote. i had been thinking of journalling something like "do it today. not tomorrow. do it today." but after i got the quote down, the following came to me...and i love the result. simple, to the point...exactly what i needed.

i hope everyone has a wonderful friday. get a kiss...get a hug...tell someone you love them. make it a good day. i know i'm going to. DO it.

ink and pens...yum yum. oh, and my new addiction is stamping. i think i've spent about a million dollars on stamps in the past couple weeks...my friends at fontwerks are mostly to blame. here, i used their new george alphas (totally obsessed with these) and also the technique tuesdays functuation (i would have bought them just for the name - love it). oh - and the 7Gypsies fabric reinforcers stickers. YUM. (thanks TOM!!!)


Rachelle said...

sorry to hear your little one is still sick. hope things get backto normal soon. & congrats on your goals. so awesome. love your page...so powerful. i'm addicted to stamping too :)

Just Me said...

love love love this...and get the little one better

Andrea Wiebe said...

your art journal pages are gorgeous...i had a peek at your scrap pages and they are so awesome! WOW! great job!

Lu said...

G!! I really like this.

Nicole Nowosad said...

Love the functuation stamps...must get those! Love what youdid with this...love it!

Just Rhonda said...

those stamps are awesome!! Love this entry. Powerful!

banglamarie said...

Nice page!
Like it!

Kari said...

I love this...great work!!

Emine_Pala_Art said...

THis looks great.. I love the stamping in the middle...


Anonymous said...

you make those stamps look so awesome and "needed"!

just loving your style girl!

Anonymous said...

I love this one especially. Big fat DO in the middle - great interpretation.

Just Say Julie said...

You have done something absolutely amazing here!

Verna G. said...

This page rocks! I love the emphasis of the "do". I also like how this page looks like you are really having fun with it.

Missy said...

could you BE any cooler?
I think not.
You are the epitome of coolness :)

Mara said...

this challenge thing is VERY cool.
love the do.

Sarah said...

yum, Yum, YUM!!!!

Poor sick baby. Hope he feels better soon!

Azalea said...

I love your style, simple but aesthetic. My eyes thank you for that pleasant moment.

Michelle W. said...

I hope that million dollars is in Canadian right?! hehe. Love the 21 challenge, love your take on it!


JB said...

I didn't realize you were doing the challenge, I would have come by sooner!

This is great! I love how you crossed out the "uns"!